
在香巴拉的世界裡,每逢生日的時候,我們可以修習一個簡短的法本,稱之為「生命的長青」(The Elixir of Life)。同樣地,在慶祝新年的時候(藏曆新年今年剛好與農曆新年同一日),做完煙供(Lhasang)儀式,我們打坐片刻,接著,也修習這一法要,以標記對現有一切的珍惜與感激,與一個新的開始、新的作為、新的氣象。法本內文由薩姜米龐仁波切於一九九九年所造,非常簡短清新,而有深意。人人皆可修習。









法本可至 Vajradhatu Publications,金剛界出版社,查詢:The Elixir of Life 生命長青法本

附記英文(部份)原文, by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, 1999:

(after contemplate these truths of Miraculous human birth and impermanence, Death, Karmic cause and result, and The nature of samsara: )

Now say these verses of aspiration:

Great Eastern Sun pierce my heart. In the coming year, may I not indulge in my own pleasures or be absorbed in meaningless chatter. If I live another year, may it be to practice meditation and change my mind and heart. May I take my rightful place as a loving, compassionate bodhisattva with the simple wish to help all sentient beings achieve complete, perfect buddhahood.

Cheerful birthday! May I live a long life so that I can dedicate myself to the welfare of others.

Cheerful birthday! May I live a long time so that I can diligently practice the holy dharma.

Cheerful birthday! May I live long enough to see the new golden age of Shambhala.
